Friday 6 January 2012

Ukrainian Christmas

I live with an Irish/Ukrainian and this year he is bound and determined to celebrate it.  Well at least he wanted our $60 tree to stay up until January 7th. I think it was for Ukrainian Christmas but maybe it was that $60 was spent on the tree. Sixty dollars! CRAZY we live in the forest - but who am I.

We will have perogies for sure and meatless cabbage rolls and kielbasa. I don't think we will have wheat, everyone says it has a different flavour. If my sister-in-law from The Pas, was here I bet we would have things like Beet Leaf buns and all sorts of yummy food. This however is Michael's gig so I will just attend.
The first meal Michael ever cooked for me was homemade perogies - he told me to have some cold mashed potatoes, flour, milk and an egg and he would make them. And he did. On rainy mornings he gets up and makes bags of them for the freezer. He takes a wonderful bowlful of these morsels to potluck dinners. I don't know what it is about perogies but we all go nuts over them - a mass of dough, filling - potatoes, cottage cheese, sauerkraut, potatoes and cheese, - and then the butter and onions that is poured over top and then the sour cream. But we do go nuts over them. He has made them in the middle of nowhere, made them in a campsite by lantern light. He made them on our trip to St. Lucia last February- my perogy maker.

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