Saturday, 4 February 2012

Riga-Jig Jig and Away We Go

My Mom had a song for everything. When I was little and we did a road trip we sang and sang and sang. "Detour there's a bumpy road ahead, detour", "Riga-Jig Jig and Away We Go" were a few. I loved road trips with my Mom. I would lay in the back seat with my feet out the window and we would sing and sing and sing. Well today I am starting my packing and I am getting ready to go off to HAWAII!!!!! I have always wanted to go and now I am going.

We have rented a condo on Maui. I am quite excited. Not sure about our abode but it will be fine I am sure. I fear that we are spoilt because last year we rented a house in St. Lucia with a pool and a view of Marigot Bay. We could sit and watch sailing ships and small cruisers of the rich and famous come and go. AH!!! was grand.

St. Lucia - Round House pool

St. Lucia - Round House
View of the entry to Marigot Bay from the deck

Okay enough about last year in St. Lucia - this year - Hawaii. We have the condo - check; we have the flights to Hawaii - check; flights to Vancouver - check; rent a car - check.

So now to pack - what to bring - not too much - not allowed many pounds. Oh my! It is hard to choose. So now I have this all laid out ready to go - I have checked und double checked - what is that in my pile of clothes A CAT!!!! NO NO you are not going and this is not your new "bed"



  1. Have a great time in Hawaii, you lucky sew and sew you!

  2. You need some followers. Tell those quilty friends of yours to sign up. I know they are lurking out there somewhere!

    1. I feel funny telling my friends about my blog - silly me.
