Well, it is not that I don't LIKE hockey so much, I think it is that I never learned the rules. My son played hockey tons of hockey - I was banned from the arena for most games - my son said I was bad luck. Also one of my Daughter's really liked to go shopping (wonder who that is) so we would go leaving the other Daughter and her Dad to watch the games. But I do go now.
I love to see those Grandkid's play - Alyssa always has a big smile on her face when she is on the ice and Curtis has so much fun - you can see it on his face too. I still don't understand the game though but I do know about good passing, good plays, good goals and GREAT sportsmanship. But that is another story.
Yesterday we had the storm of the century - I swear. Winds up over 70 km/h and gusts over 100 km/h. Trees were falling everywhere. We were some of the lucky ones - no trees on our house just all over our yard. We got power back about 9 p.m. - 16 hours of FORCED RELAXATION - but some are still with out power and are looking at another couple of days with out.
We were lucky to have a gas fireplace that we manually turn on and a gas stove that I can light with a match. I had heat and could cook and boil water. Such luxury. I made tea and took it over to my friend around the corner. I was given a wonderful quilt to snuggle under and had a great visit. Later I made more tea and took it next door for a visit with Mike's Mom and Great Grandson - Linden. I also made some hexagon squares, read and sketched. Boy I felt like I had skipped school. Well - work anyway - I did skip. Was just the best day for me. Dinner by lantern was a great end to the day.
There really is a silver lining in every cloud!