We were going great guns on this reno, even got the bathtub in - the most wonderful tub. I can hardly wait. YES I did sit in it after it was in place - no water, but man it is going to be so nice - 25" deep. I was asked how I was going to clean it and before I could answer - Mike said - she WILL clean it. Truer words were never spoken. We had to wait quite a few days for the dry wall to be installed.
Here is our progress - is SLOW but we are moving forward.
Today is the third day for the drywall installers. This is the part that I really find stressful - trying to contain as much dust as possible. We are both trying to keep our spirits up but yesterday it got the better of us. I had to point out a slight error - after a close encounter of the renovating kind we got it fixed. Don't you just wish for a big lotto win and hire someone to do the rest of this for you. I would just love to pick the colours, the fixtures and walk away for a month and come back to it all finished. I have even fantasied about having Candice Olson or Jonathan Scott (Property Brothers) just step in and take this on. Oh, come on, where is the fun in that?
I am locked out of my sewing room for the next while. No power in there. But I have sealed up the room and covered my equipment with drop cloths to protect them from dry wall dust. Oh but on a HAPPIER NOTE - I finished reading my book and now am working on my latest addictions - HEXAGONS.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Forced Relaxation

Well, it is not that I don't LIKE hockey so much, I think it is that I never learned the rules. My son played hockey tons of hockey - I was banned from the arena for most games - my son said I was bad luck. Also one of my Daughter's really liked to go shopping (wonder who that is) so we would go leaving the other Daughter and her Dad to watch the games. But I do go now.
I love to see those Grandkid's play - Alyssa always has a big smile on her face when she is on the ice and Curtis has so much fun - you can see it on his face too. I still don't understand the game though but I do know about good passing, good plays, good goals and GREAT sportsmanship. But that is another story.
Yesterday we had the storm of the century - I swear. Winds up over 70 km/h and gusts over 100 km/h. Trees were falling everywhere. We were some of the lucky ones - no trees on our house just all over our yard. We got power back about 9 p.m. - 16 hours of FORCED RELAXATION - but some are still with out power and are looking at another couple of days with out.
We were lucky to have a gas fireplace that we manually turn on and a gas stove that I can light with a match. I had heat and could cook and boil water. Such luxury. I made tea and took it over to my friend around the corner. I was given a wonderful quilt to snuggle under and had a great visit. Later I made more tea and took it next door for a visit with Mike's Mom and Great Grandson - Linden. I also made some hexagon squares, read and sketched. Boy I felt like I had skipped school. Well - work anyway - I did skip. Was just the best day for me. Dinner by lantern was a great end to the day.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Yesterday my friend called to say she was coming up. I was excited to see her but really did not have a clue as to why the visit. Well she had just returned from Kamloops with a "Special Delivery" for me - I am going to become a "hexaholic". What is a hexaholic you might ask - definition - one who is addicted to making hexigons - see Katja's Quilt Shoppe's it is her latest BOM. How exciting is this.
AND I am not alone in this addition. I know of a few others that are check out Linda King at Linda's Quiltmania - she too is a hexaholic. I wonder if there is a support group for this? What do they say " My name is Geri and I AM a Hexaholic".
I had another visitor yesterday afternoon. Linden came to play while his Mom went to work - we walked Jake, and mailed a letter, went to Granny's house for juice. We played games and played with Uncle Mike.
Now these are BIG shoes (slippers) to fill - Linden quite liked wearing Uncle Mike's slippers.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Building It Back
How does that OLD song go - "What goes up, must come down - spinning wheel got to go round" (Blood, Sweat and Tears) - so all the rough wiring is done. Huge job - some electrical home runs were replaced and some new ones laid for the future. There was a lot of cursing and swearing. Me, I spent my days - working and looking for a mirror. I gathered some paint samples for the bathroom and watched two hockey games - Alyssa's - a tied game and Curtis' - 6-5.
Mike sprayed the walls with a mold killer and dusted for bugs and installed all the exterior insulation and insulated the ceiling. I did my bit for the project - "Mollie Maid" - I did the clean up - swept and washed up. I do have other jobs but I am not on the "payroll" yet. I am the painter - oh and he keeps telling me I am the "Designer" - Candise Olson I am NOT.
I spent some time in my green house - taking cuttings of the geranium's that survived the winter and potting up the brugmansia cuttings that were rooting on the window sill in my sewing room. My greenhouse is not heated so some years the geranium's survive - two survived so I took cuttings and used root hormone. Hopefully I will get some plants out of the deal. I winter over a passion vine and it did not do as well as it has in the past but it is alive.
Mike sprayed the walls with a mold killer and dusted for bugs and installed all the exterior insulation and insulated the ceiling. I did my bit for the project - "Mollie Maid" - I did the clean up - swept and washed up. I do have other jobs but I am not on the "payroll" yet. I am the painter - oh and he keeps telling me I am the "Designer" - Candise Olson I am NOT.
I spent some time in my green house - taking cuttings of the geranium's that survived the winter and potting up the brugmansia cuttings that were rooting on the window sill in my sewing room. My greenhouse is not heated so some years the geranium's survive - two survived so I took cuttings and used root hormone. Hopefully I will get some plants out of the deal. I winter over a passion vine and it did not do as well as it has in the past but it is alive.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Fast Dancing
What do you do when your good plan goes wrong? Fast Dancing is what I say. We are merrily moving along with the reno - the electrician is running new wiring. All was going well when I realized that my lighting plan was going to look odd. The sink is centre on the vanity but I had the cabinet maker make a side cabinet that sits on the counter - saw it in a magazine and liked it. So now the vanity mirror and the vanity lights were not going to fit. So no vanity lights and the mirror has to go back. Oh but wait new plan - is there going to be enough light - oh my goodness - I don't know - so now another pot light in the ceiling. Fast Dancing.
Mirror goes back now - I had picked an oval mirror that was to be centered over the sink but it would be off centered in the space available. Fast Dancing.
But enough of the dancing this I do know and we have decided on for sure - the layout of the cabinets - the floor tiles - they are 12" x 24" - Linea Wheat, the counter top, the tub/backsplash tile and pop sparkle with the glass tile. Oh eat your heart out HGTV.
Mirror goes back now - I had picked an oval mirror that was to be centered over the sink but it would be off centered in the space available. Fast Dancing.
Winter? Spring? What happened on our Leap Year day. We woke on Wednesday morning to a wonderful winter world - I love seeing the winter, pink sun through the trees in the back yard as morning starts.
If you look closely you can see the snowdrops poking through the snow. I look forward to these every year. I feel that spring is just around the corner. 

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