The last day of 2011. It was a good year all in all. What more could I ask for - a wonderful holiday to St. Lucia with family; a visit from my daughter who lives in Ottawa; visits many from my daughter and her family in Whistler; trip to the cabin on Quadra; quick trips to Whistler for visits and hugs with my youngest grandson there.
Our vegetable garden produced like crazy. We canned, pickled, jammed, sauced and froze a lot. My flower gardens well they were sorely neglected. I did have wonderful pots of blooms on my deck that kept me going.
Oh 2012 the possibilities it will bring. I look forward to the NEW Year - it is like getting a new box of crayons.
Had an amazingly HUGE Brug...but no flowers. Now it's a frozen stem...wonder if anything will come of it. Love your gardens and photos. Think of the travel $$ I'll save following you!