Friday, 20 April 2012

Moving Right Along

We have been progressing SLOOOOOOOOOWLY. This week the backsplash and tile around the tub went up and is now grouted.  It looks so pretty.

There will be an oval mirror above the sink and glass shower doors on the tub. I am so excited - this old house is being dragged into the 21 Century. We are really not sure how old this house is but we think that it might have been built in the early 1950's. Some day I will post some of the before pictures of all the rooms. I have so enjoyed the dismantling because of this history it uncovers.

We have had a visitor this week - a Great Blue Heron in the creek. I scared him up onto the bridge but still got this great picture.

And so to the rest of the critter's on Willow Creek - not much action today. Both of the cats are on their favourite quilts. Yes there are two grey cats - Whiskey or Whiskers to my Grandkids or some call her Skinny and Smokey or Fatty. If you ever pick them up you will know why they might be called Fatty (11 lbs.) and Skinny (6 lbs.)

Smokey or Fatty
Whiskey alias Whiskers or Skinny
And then there is Jake - boy what a lazy lot we have. 

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Okay I have been holding back - Friday I was away from the house working, but I knew that the cabinet maker was going to be installing our cabinets. And VOILA - I came home to this!!!!!

It just amazes me when a plan comes together - I know I said that before but it does. I get these ideas in my head and fret about them and then when it actually happens and is actually the way I envisioned it - WOW! Even the glass tile pull out the bit of green in the counter top. Forgive me but I am doing the happy dance.

So now our holdup is the installing the tiles around the tub and the back splash - these will not get installed until Wednesday, then grouting, then the plumber, trim and the bathroom is done - outstanding then is carpets in the hall, trim, finish up the electrics and doors hung and we are done.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

In the Meantime

While I wait: waiting for the grout to dry (7 days if you please) we have been out and about in the vegetable garden. I have been cleaning up the raspberries and Mike has been rototilling. Today we strung new fencing around the garden. Last week we put in new poles. This is to keep our beautiful garden safe from the marauding deer. The water has been turned on out back and the green houses are ready to go. Mike's tomato seedlings have come up and look very healthy.

Also, the quilting group that I belong to - "Tenfold" has started on a new project - fractured quilts. Each of us has to come up with a design and then cuts it into 8 pieces. We each get a piece. We are to replicate this in whatever fabric we choose. If you have a colour scheme in mind or any fabrics that you must have for your design you can pass them over with your package.

First up is Colleen and being the thoughtful person that she is, she decided to "keep it simple".  She has a wonderful metal screen hanging from an arbour on her patio. She traced this and put together our "kits" gave us, included the picture below, a piece of blue for the sky and a piece of black for the border and a few words of encouragement.

My piece is part of the left side.

As I am loving doing the English paper pieced hexagons from Katja's Quilt Shop, I decided to use this technique to replicate my pattern. I know that others are using steam a seam on muslin.
Here is my template for the oak leaf.

The oak leaf finished - so excited when a plan comes together. The second leaf did not have a name so I decided to do it in non leaf colours - I do know that a few of the others are doing autumn colours - I am a rebel. I really like autumn colours but this is good. I have laid in the blue sky piece but it is not sewn in yet.

We meet again in May and I am so looking forward to seeing all the pieces together. Colleen will take it and put it together. Lois is passing out her design next. This is a great group of ladies - who have all been quilting for years but have wanted a challenge that was not threatening. Our last series of projects were 12 x 12 inch blocks - not exactly that size - as long as they fit into a  48 inch circumference and loosely that. We got a new theme every time we met and the only rule was to try a new technique. Please visit Tenfold's Blog to see some of our creations.  This idea was by no means original in theory - I saw this on a website called Twelve by Twelve - these ladies are accomplished quilters. They have shown their quilts at various shows and have published a book. I do not think this will be the way of Tenfold BUT we are going to have a show in June for our family and friends.

Saturday, 7 April 2012


"And what to my wondering eyes should appear" - ducks on the creek - a sure sign that spring is here. I just finished breakfast and noticed somthing in the creek - two Mallard ducks - a male and a female. I wonder, are they checking out a possible place to lay their eggs.

I am so happy that I planted all those daffodil bulbs last fall. It gives me great joy to see those yellow flowers blooming along the road to the back field. Note to self - plant more this fall.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Could Have Been a Bad Day

Monday was looking up - we got a floor layer - he came, he saw, and he went - he laid the boards down and the heated floor coils - did a skim coat and we were racing again. The electrican came but NO - the heat sensor for the thermostat was not in the floor AND he could not pull the wire through the wall. NOW what.

 Today the floor layer came back - Hey he said NO PROBLEM - he got the heat sensor in and laid the tiles but NOOOOOOOOOOOO - was 2 tiles short. Lucky for us we are able to get them by tomorrow morning.

Mike says he is ready to run away - he says he is going on a holiday and will come back in two weeks when it is completed. I say go for it - with my blessings. But he is only kidding I am sure. This is his busy time of year. He is busy cleaning up after the storms we have had. He turning on the water to the back field and rebuilding some of the raised beds for the garden. He has planted the seeds for our tomatoes - over 100 seeds. Will I regret this? Some days I might but there is nothing better than a fresh, ripe tomato picked right from the garden. The days I might are the dog days of summer, when I would rather be outside but am inside canning. Oh but now lady - remember those wonderful jars of homemade spagetti sauce you used to make a fast supper. Oh is so worth it.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Renovation Roller Coaster Ride

I have been reluctant to post. I don't know about you but when I am faced with a list that never seems to end I stall. We have been hurrying and hurrying then waiting and waiting. I feel deflated like I am on the reno rollercoaster.
 Mike and I rushed to get the walls down, and the roughed in wiring was done. And then we waited - and then the plumbing and bathtub went in electrical went in - and then we waited. Oh goody big rush the dry wall went up and the mudding and finishing. I rushed like mad to get all the painting done - primer and two coats thank you very much. I even primed and painted all the shelves for the linen closet and the front hall closet and then we waited - for the floor layer to come.

Assembly Line Shelf Painting

THIS IS ME - I am so DONE......
I got word that the floor layer could be here Friday. So I swept and removed anything that may be in the way. Then at noon I got a call - his truck broke down. Maybe next week. This is just too frustrating - I called today and we have someone coming tomorrow - oh joy of joys. I spent the weekend painting the doors for the bathroom and hall closets - they are ready to install.

I keep thinking we are almost done BUT NO. If I make a list of what is outstanding I feel like this is the never ending project. I know that my daughter would gleefully make that list and enjoy every time she crossed something off it. Not me - I keep a running tab in my head. I have Mike to keep me on track.

The only thing I have felt like doing is making hexagons. I have a few done. It IS addictive and theraputic.